Tolias Ilias

Tolias Ilias

Tolias Ilias

Scientific Mentor:
Alexandros Venetsanos
Company Mentor:
Asterios Lialios

Turbulent combustion modeling for explosion safety assessment in real scale industrial geometries

Safety assessment of potential explosion accidents is conducted in industrial areas where flammable gases and vapors are processed in order to predict the resulting explosion overpressures. This assessment is usually carried out using simple integral codes, such as Phast. These codes require crucial input parameters which may have great impact on the overpressure predictions especially in case of complex geometry. The purpose of the project is to improve the predictive capabilities of these models in explosion scenarios in complex industrial areas using the more advanced and accurate Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology. In this context, the main objectives of the project are two. First, to further develop and validate existing CFD methodologies/models against experiments in complex obstructed/confined environment. Second, to optimize/develop guidelines for integral code input data in the cases of explosion in complex industrial areas based on the CFD methodology.

Other Distinctions

  • Development of advanced computational models of high accuracy for consequence analysis of flammable gases dispersion and explosion, “Researchers support emphasizing in young researchers grant – Second call”, Hellenic republic, Ministry of Economy and Development, 2019.